The plan for Pate's newborn session was to keep things very simple- create a collection of photographs of the week-old baby just as she was- no fancy props or outfits. Pate seemed to agree with this plan; she stared and slept and stared and slept some more. I love her teeny features and wide-eyed wonder. When I see the photographs with her mama, my heart melts. A baby transforms her parents to be more of themselves; suddenly they are more able to give of themselves fully, more capable of loving more deeply than they ever imagined possible. I see this, time and again, at a newborn session, and it never gets old. Not everything about having a baby is easy and fun, but to have a child is certainly one of the greatest gifts to both be given and to give the world. It is so special to come into a home with a baby so new. To meet Pate and see how loved she is made me excited for this little life. She was so lovely and sweet, so wanted and new, and that is just right for a brand new girl. I cannot wait to watch her grow.