I met little Lucia on her ninth day earth-side, and she was equal parts bright-eyed and sound asleep with not a bit of squirmy fuss in between. Lucia Alessandra was named for her grandma in Italy and her aunt Sandy, her mom told me. She'd pulled out two blankets her grandma made for her brother, showing me the gorgeous work her mother-in-law had created for her grandson. Her grandma passed away a few months before Lucia was born. Using her grandma's handiwork as a backdrop and prop for the baby's photographs reminded me that even the tiniest of humans have big stories, and this baby's story includes an Italian family, a transcontinental love story and a busy big brother. We'll be doing full family photos next week. This session was about capturing Lucia in her newness. She is a sweet one, this baby, beautiful and lovely and very, very loved.