She's the sweetest girl I know, and if that is sung in a high-pitched baby voice, then Georgia might give me a big belly laugh. And belly laughter is pure gold in baby currency. My second niece made my first brother a daddy, and I am thankful that I got to spend a few days in their neck of the woods just before they relocated closer to us. They're an Air Force family, and it's been amazing to watch Jaybo and Kendall figure out how to parent well amid a crazy schedule and a lot of change. They've definitely found their stride as parents. Seeing my brother as a dad equals seeing the best version of him to date; that's the lens that love allows. Kendall's incredible as a mom too. They adore their girl. Georgia smiles easily and is one of those babies who is happy enough to be held but just as content playing on her own on the floor. She sleeps well. She eats well. She plays well with others. She loves her mama and daddy. She brings so much wonder and joy to our family. I can't believe it's only been six months since we met this little peach. They've been a very sweet six months indeed. Just a few photos from our recent visit.