When we started planning this session, the main idea was space for a busy two-year-old to do his thing. I've spent a good bit of time lately considering what I want the end goal of my family sessions to be. I want to capture photographs that communicate, "see, this is what you look like when you love each other." When I photograph a child, I want his parents to see those looks he makes in this stage in life when he sings that song or, in this case, roars like a tiger and march-march-marches away. The passing of time means expressions evolve, change and fade, and a photograph allows a permanent pause. These photos, I hope, show this both what love looks like on this family and who little Teddy is right now. I see joy, intensity and exuberance in his big blue eyes. Speaking of eyes, aren't his striking? I had a hard time narrowing photos to blog and am happy to share this set. I love that the day of this session was a bright spring day. It so complimented the feel of these interactions.