Little Cowboys in Big D

These two. So busy and so fun. "What was your favorite part of the session," I asked after we wrapped up. "Probably when we were running towards you like you were the end zone," said one young man.

"Or ninja jumping," said the other.

I love their cowboy getup against the big city backdrop and the bond between brothers that wasn't hard to capture. These boys bring so much energy that it's hard to keep up with them. They had ideas and jokes and approached our session like a play date. Seeing them interact through my lens warmed my heart. They have something special. I'm not sure they'll appreciate that til their older, but for now, they're each other's best buddy.

This session marks my very last holiday session. It has been an incredible season, and while I still have a few fun things to photograph and blog in December, I'm starting to get excited for 2014. Keep an eye out for news. Good things are coming soon. But first, a sneak peek:
