This was of those days when I showed up with my camera, and I literally could not take enough photos of the beautiful interactions that happened. I photographed Lexi all through her first year, from when she was a bun in the oven, so I already knew we'd have good rapport. These family photos though?!? Are you kidding me? I love them so much. It has little to do with the backdrop and clothing selected. Though who doesn't love a green park in the spring and a baby girl with great accessories? It has everything to do with parents who showed up ready to engage their daughter and each other coupled with a baby who is bright-eyed, curious and adorable. I have been dying to blog these since I shot them. These are the kinds of photographs I love to create. It's kinda icing on the cake- pun intended- that the planned, staged smash cake shots decidedly did not interest Miss Lexi. She's also an independent little miss, and she didn't want cake, thank you very much. Want photographs like this of your favorite little(s) and family? Shoot me an email, and let's make a date! In addition to DFW sessions, I'm booking in Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky (June), Raleigh, North Carolina (August) and Boston, Massachusetts and Hartford, Conneticut (September). Don't see your city listed? Reach out, and we can make it happen!