In December I had the privilege of hosting my friends Kate and Steve and their dynamic duo at the beginning of their Stateside vacation. They airbnb'd a place in my neighborhood. We spent the better part of their time in Dallas drinking our way through coffee shops and exploring here and there. I met Kate years ago at a photo workshop, and while we were fast friends, I don't think either of us realized just how good of friends we'd become through the years. We've been through ups and downs together, and Skype and FaceTime alongside of the occasional visit have gifted me one of my dearest friends. Those occasional visits have made Steve and the kids dear to me as well. We took about fifteen minutes to take a few photos on the next to last evening of their time with me. I think we captured a good bit of beautiful for such a short time. We also captured a good bit of inside joke expressions, and how said expressions came to be, I'll never tell. Looking at these photos makes me miss my friends. They're some of the best people I know.