It's their bond that she loves seeing, Kristy, Luigi and Lucia's mama, told me. "I love the way Luigi loves his little sister. And she absolutely adores him, stares at him in complete wonder." I caught glimpses of their mutual affection all throughout our time taking Lucia's one-year photos. They giggled at each other, and Lucia's pure joy every time Luigi walked into the room put smiles on everyone's faces. I loved that I captured each child's spark as well. Luigi has a mischievous grin, and he was delighted when we went outside to explore for a few minutes, just the two of us. From the front porch of the Italian-style villa, a visual tribute to his dad's homeland, Luigi called out, "watch me!" as he posed. Five is such a fun age for the camera. Little Lucia is in that stage where she crawls so fast she can't be bothered to walk, and her curls and cheeks pulled me right in. She's a bubbly girl, eyes ever exploring to take in the great big world. This session was all goodness, and I'm delighted to share it.